Learn to Swim Stage 9: Developing Speed, Endurance & Skills

Stage 9 places a strong emphasis on stroke mastery, advanced water safety knowledge, endurance building, competitive swimming proficiency, and confident underwater skills.

Introduction: Swim England Learn To Swim Stage 9

At Stage 9, swimmers focus on perfecting their stroke techniques, encompassing the four primary swimming strokes: front crawl (freestyle), backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. They learn to execute these strokes with a level of precision, power, and grace that sets them apart as highly proficient swimmers. This mastery extends to the understanding of stroke mechanics, including optimal arm and leg movements, body positioning, and timing. Swimmers become adept at adapting their stroke techniques to suit different swimming conditions and purposes.

Swimmers in Stage 9 prepare for competitive swimming by honing essential skills such as race starts, turns, and race strategies. They develop a deep understanding of the rules and dynamics of competitive swimming, equipping them to participate and excel in competitive events. This prepares them for the competitive world of swimming should they choose to pursue it.

The ability to swim underwater with confidence, control, and precision is also a hallmark of Stage 9. Swimmers become highly proficient at navigating underwater distances, demonstrating their mastery in an environment where technique, breath control, and precision are paramount.

Learn To Swim Stage 9 Key Outcomes

By completing the Learn to Swim Stage 9 Award, swimmers will be able to:

  1. Complete a set lasting 800 metres (either 16 x 50 metres, 8 x 100 metres, 4 x 200 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher or coach (e.g. 1.30 minutes for 50 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.

  2. Swim 800 metres continuously using one stroke.

  3. Swim a continuous 100 metre individual medley (4 x 25 metres) using recognised turns with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.

  4. Perform a 15 metre underwater kick on front from a push and glide in a streamlined position.

  5. Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.*

  6. Perform a front crawl start then kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

  7. Perform a butterfly start then kick in a streamlined position up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

  8. Perform a breaststroke start then perform a one and a half pull underwater. Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.

Once they have completed this stage, learners can move on to The Learn to Swim Stage 10 Award.